1. Dr. MOHAMMAD ALAQAD - Assistant Professor, Management and Science University (MSU), Malaysia.
2. Dr. IBRAHIM SAQER AL-ZAEEM - Director of PALM Strategic Initiative Centre, Palestine.
This abstract discusses the Palestinian refugee crisis and the challenges faced by Palestinian refugees living in the diaspora. The term "refugee" is generally used to refer to individuals who have been forced to leave their country in search of safety due to war or natural disasters. However, for Palestinians, the term also includes those who were forcibly expelled from their lands and homes by Israel during the Nakba of 1948 and the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands in 1967. Palestinian refugees face significant barriers to education, healthcare, and basic human rights, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The right of return, which symbolizes the natural right of Palestinian refugees and their families to return to their homes and lands, is considered an essential requirement for the peace process with Israel. Despite the efforts of organizations like the UNRWA and the ICRC, the challenges facing Palestinian refugees remain significant, and it is essential to prioritize the basic human rights and well-being of these vulnerable populations.
Palestinian refugees, Diaspora, Human rights, Displacement, Conflict.