1. RULI RIATNO - Malang, Jawa Timur – Indonesia.
2. Dr. AGUS SURYONO - Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas
Brawijaya Malang, Jawa Timur – Indonesia.
3. Dr. SISWIDIYANTO - Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya
Malang, Jawa Timur – Indonesia.
4. Dr. MUHAMMAD SHOBARUDDIN - Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya
Malang, Jawa Timur – Indonesia.
Labor inspection is defined as a public function of labor administration ensuring the application of labor laws in the workplace, with the main role being to convince social partners of the need for compliance with laws and the common interest through preventive, educational and law enforcement measures. This study has several research problem formulations which are also research limitations, including: 1). Implementation of labor inspection; 2). Institutional governance in the implementation of labor inspection?; and 3). The governance model of labor inspection at the local government level. The type of research used is qualitative, to make descriptions, drawings, drawings systematically, factually and accurately. Primary data was collected using interviews, and secondary data using documentation. This research is supported by data validation techniques through the degree of trust, transferability, dependability and certainty. Data analysis techniques use interactive models, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are that the implementation of supervision before work, supervision during work, and supervision after / post work. governance of labor inspection institutions as a solution to construct and bridge labor management issues at the regional level. Governance of labor inspection institutions as a solution to construct and bridge labor management issues at the regional level. Appropriate governance of the implementation of labor inspection at the local government level needs the support of adequate human resources, a governance strategy that is appropriate to the company's social conditions and employment.
Governance, Supervision, Employment, Office of Manpower and Transmigration.